Monday, August 10, 2009

A Preview of the Zine Issue # 1

GNARCOTIX- I had the pleasure of meeting some of these guys on their trip down to San Diego for the "No Cassettes" Premier. Good Dudes, The video they are working on looks like it's going to kill here's a preview of it!

GNARCOTIX trailer from Gnarcotixsf on Vimeo.

CHRIS FONSECA- I also had the pleasure of meeting the man behind Fonseca Films and "No Cassettes" Mr. Chris Fonseca. To me he looks like Shaq on a bike and I love it! he has a great style and has no problem answering questions for anyone. All around super nice guy, here are some videos off of fonseca films' vimeo account-

Fonseca's Shitty Leftover Footage from FonsecaFilms on Vimeo.

MIXTAPE VOL. 1 NO CASSETTES from FonsecaFilms on Vimeo.

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